Sunday, August 26, 2007

Us more recently....

There is no method in my madness with this BLOG. I just wanted to have contact with my family and friends all around again and let you see Mateo........... So here are a couple of random shots of 'us' mostly of Mateo 'cos he is the cute one!!
Change of plans, I cant find pictures with me in so here is a REALLY recent one of the 'cousins' At the back is my brother Jonathan (he is the black one) Mateo is holding an ice cream in the front, yes, eating ice cream is serious business!! Joshua (Shanes son) is smiling sweetly and Matthew (the chinese one) is Jareds son. As I am writing this Mateo is tearing the room apart so I dont think that I will be adding much more tonight.........He is on the table and stepping on the keyboard and......oops, I should have listened and opened the door when he said he needed the toilet cos now the floor is WET. You can imagine the fun and games when we all get together.

I just cannot end without adding a picture of Tanith, she is the missing cousin in the picture up top. Tanith is Shanes daughter. She is three months older then Mateo. The two of them often look like twins with the tan skin & curly hair. Mateo is 2yrs and 4mths. Born 27/04/2005. So from left to right is Mateo and Tanith in bed with Grandma Jenna.........
Ok, Mateo is walking around with a box of matches singing 'Happy To You' so it is officially time for me to leave this spot for another day. Hopefully then I will be more interesting and creative and informative.


Alvina said...

A whole gang!! Wonderful & Colourful!
Shane's kids really look like HIM. Esp. his baby girl.

I've linked your blog address to Caleb's and Chloe's.

Look fwd to your updates.

Da Mama said...

Thanks for linking us! I must say that this whole blogging thing does not come easyto me. I still have a lot to learn.